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Profile on LinkedIn

How to Polish Your LinkedIn Profile from a Headhunter’s Perspective

Nowadays, the professional social network LinkedIn is an indispensable tool in the job market. Besides sharing insights and experiences from the professional environment with industry professionals, this network also offers opportunities for job hunting. On LinkedIn, users can browse job postings if they are looking for a new job opportunity, but recruiters and headhunters also use this network daily to search for profiles of potential candidates for job openings. Often, they look among employed individuals who are not considering a job change and try to present them with a new offer to pique their interest.

Thus, with a LinkedIn profile, users present themselves not only on a social network but also in the job market. Therefore, it is important to have a well-filled and, if possible, updated profile.

So, what should not be missing from the profile?

First of all, list the employment and positions that the user is currently holding and has held in the past. For each position, it is also appropriate to include descriptions of what the profile owner was responsible for and what their job duties were. Interesting information for profile visitors includes achievements the user has reached in the given position or projects they have led.

The profile photo is what catches the eye at first glance. It is advisable to upload it to LinkedIn because the profile then appears more personal and professional. Headhunters thus know who they would potentially „have the honor“ to deal with. However, the profile picture should look professional – it should not be a casual type, for example, from a vacation or with family or friends.

Other information that can be included in the profile is, for instance, education, completed courses, language skills, or a bullet-point list of skills that the profile owner possesses. For headhunters, it is ideal if they can learn as much information as possible about the user to help them estimate whether such a candidate would be suitable for the open position.

A LinkedIn profile can also include recommendations or references from other users. These can enhance credibility and underscore the skills that the user has listed on their profile above.

The more detailed the profile is, the higher the likelihood that the user will be contacted more frequently with job offers. However, the information should be relevant, and the user should be careful that their profile does not appear overly complicated. This could deter headhunters rather than attract them for collaboration.

In the case of actively looking for a job, it is possible to set a green border around the profile photo on LinkedIn with the caption „Open to Work“, which clearly indicates that the user is open to new job offers. Headhunters and recruiters like to contact such users because they have a higher probability of receiving a positive response to a connection invitation and subsequent communication.