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What is Outplacement and why is it important for organizations and employees?

Outplacement is a process that organizations offer to their former employees as a form of support while finding another job opportunities. The aim of Outplacement is to help former employees to overcome a certain situation such as loss of job and to successfully integrate them back in to the labour market. Outplacement is an important element of fair and ethical dismissal of employees.


Outplacement includes for example:

  • Individual career consultations

  • How to create a CV in a correct form

  • Preparation for interviews

  • Providing options for development of skills and requalification

  • Help while expanding of the web of profession contacts and providing information about job opportunities

  • Psychological support to help dealing with stress, changes and moving to another job

These methods are often combined and adjusted for individual needs and situations of dismissed employees, so that they can help them to overcome effectively an unpleasant life change and finding a new job opportunity.


For organizations outplacement demonstrates an option to show that they take care of their employees even in difficult situations. It helps to protect the firm’s reputation and maintains positive and healthy relationships with remaining employees. Outplacement could lead to a decrease in law risks and expenditures associated with dismissal.


In terms of outplacement, an offer for professional consultations, support and tools required for a successful finding for new job is being provided to dissmed employees. Thanks to outplacement, employees have a better chance to find a new job that is suiting their skills and experience and helps them to overcome a tight situation.