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Phrases that you should not use in your Cover Letter

Do you find cover letters tedious and repetitive? Despite the temptation to skip them, a recent survey revealed that 94% of hiring managers still value cover letters in their hiring decisions. If yours feels lackluster, it’s time to enhance it.

A cover letter is your chance to showcase your personality and address any gaps in your resume.

Avoid Generic Greetings – Instead of „Dear Sir/Madam,“ find the contact person’s name or address the department directly.

Start with Enthusiasm – Use engaging phrases like „I’m excited about your opportunity…“ instead of a bland introduction.

Show, Don’t Just Tell – Demonstrate your skills through specific examples rather than stating qualities like „I’m very communicative.“

Highlight Actions – Rather than claiming to be a team player, describe your relevant experiences.

Avoid Clichés – Replace vague statements like „I’m proactive“ with concrete examples of your achievements.

Stay Positive – Focus on what you can offer, not why you’re leaving your current job.

Avoid Criticism – Don’t suggest changes to the company; highlight what excites you about the role.

Be Confident, Not Arrogant – Use phrases like „I believe I can contribute…“ to express confidence without overpromising.

Clarify Your Achievements – Avoid jargon and abbreviations; clearly explain your accomplishments.

End Professionally – Use thoughtful closing lines like „Looking forward to your response“ instead of informal phrases.


Creating a strong cover letter can make a significant difference. Be specific, enthusiastic, and professional to leave a lasting impression.